Yesterday was Move Missy Day. She officially started college life away from home. Hubs was determined to take only one car and by the time they got her stuff all packed into the car, there was no room for me! It was either argue with Hubs and ruin the air of excitement enveloping Missy like a lovesick pup, or make the sacrifice and stay home. Since I was pretty sure that Missy would shoo us both out of her dorm the second we moved everything in and deny me any attempts at photo-taking, I decided to be the Noble Mom. After all, I'd probably be missing nothing, except meeting her roomie Anj (and Hubs told me he didn't get to meet her, she was gone to a friend's).
Anyway, as fate would have it, this ended up working out great for me, because I'd only gotten about 5 hours of sleep the night before, and I was having a hard time not freaking out over Hurricane Dean, specifically whether or not to evacuate and whether or not to stock up and what to stock up on, etc etc etc.
I just knew that with the heat, the freaking out and facing good-byes to my only child for the first time in my life, I would be a basket case. After they left around 11 a.m., I kicked back and worked on relaxing. I soon got a huge help with that. The 1 p.m. 5-day forecast update for Dean came out and we were no long in the Cone of Destruction!
Now, I know perfectly well that we could go right back into the Cone at any time. And I know that landfall is a distant 4 days away. Still, you just have no idea how much I freak at the thought of preparing for a storm. On one hand, I'm an old pro and can do it in my sleep. I've been through my share in almost 50 years. It's just that I don't wanna.
If I were smart, I'd use it as an excuse to go visit my parents. I thought about it, but geez, it's hotter up there than here. Of course, if the storm hits here, then I'd have a/c up at my parents, and probably no a/c here, which is precisely why I hate whethering hurricanes and tropical storms. The aftermath, in a direct hit, always involves no a/c, no electricity. UGH! Yes, I'm painfully aware that my life revolves around too much electricity, LOL.
I think I was also mad at DEAN cuz I'm still feelin' that feeling about geting no direct hits this year. And Dean finally, finally got the message, rofl. I THINK. He is looking more and more westward, and now the cone of destruction is hundreds of miles to our south today. far, so good.
Okay, back to my, after he got home last night Hubs and I went to our fave Mexican food restaurant per his request. We'd not been out to eat in a good while, and I carbed out, hehe. With Tex-Mex, how can you not????? Let's see, I had a LAredo Dinner, which was guacamole, queso cheese dip, 4 combo chicken and beef nachos, a chicken flauta, 2 enchiladas, beans, rice, jalapenos, and sour cream. I ended up only eating barely half of the whole thing, but I was stuffed. Hubs picked off my plate after he finished his, and by the time we left, my plate was almost clean! Oh yeah, I also enjoyed 2 margaritas on the rocks with sugar rims. Yummmmmmm. Seriously, they were gooood. Not being much of a drinker, I was amazed at myself for sucking down the first one and ordering a second one, then sucking that one down. Whoa. Stranger than truth, peeps, LOL. Yeah, I specifically remember last night around 10 p.m., I was like, DD-who????
This afternoon, she called and we all got on and visited. She went to work and it was easy. She hooked up with all her friends from here and hung out here and there. Her dorm is fine. She's figured out her way around everywhere. Only thing is, the cafeteria is not open, so she's at the mercy of what she can find for food. Classes don't start til Thursday, and so the cafeteria's closed. And Missy will go for too long before she thinks about eating. We were always having to ask her and remind her, did you eat, when, what, how much? Well, I guess I'll just have faith that if she gets hungry enough she will walk to McDonalds, cuz it's stupid for me to worry. She had a chance to buy food to take and she figured she'd wait til she got up there. Her roomie has a car and so does her friend Garrett and Diego's roomie Eric has one too. Someone can get her to Walmart if she has to go. (No, we did not let her take her car. Her job is within sight of her dorm, as is her classes, so it saves insurance money and gasoline thi way.)
Polls Need Love, too
Finally, let me get this over with: results of some polls I took over at BlogThings, after Vanny hounded me for about a week! LOL She dared me to take 5 polls. Now I'm daring her to do the same! (P.S. I did 6 polls, 1 extra, because I apparently can't, seriously, I had wanted to do the Pisces one but forgot about it until after I'd done the first five. So, I did the Pisces one, too...because I really am a Pisces!
You Are 70% "Average American" |
You are average because you rate your appearance 5 or higher. You are not average since you have (at least) a college degree. |
You Are a Conservative Democrat |
Frankly, the way most other Democrats behave embarasses you greatly. You pride yourself on a high level of morals, and you have a good grasp on right and wrong. It's likely you think America needs to get back to its conservative, Juedo-Christian values. Why aren't you a Republican then? Because you believe the goverment helps more than hurts. |
Your Brain's Pattern |
Your mind is an incubator for good ideas, it just takes a while for them to develop. But when you think of something, watch out! Your thoughts tend to be huge, and they come on quickly - like an explosion. You tend to be quiet around others, unless you're inspired by your next big idea. |
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking |
You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal. You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk. You should major in: Philosophy Music Theology Art History Foreign language |
You Have a Melancholic Temperament |
Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything. You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life. You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you. Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace. You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life. Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times. At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you. You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others. You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. |
You are 73% Pisces |
I hope your daughter's first year in college goes smoothly. My daughter got depressed and I had to shell out for a therapist. She did graduate and got good grades.
Now about your diet. I struggle with this issue myself so I understand the problem. You have got to get back on track, I know most Mexican places do have a salad entree. I realize it's a downer but you have to start taking the weight loss more seriously.
I'm here to encourage you! Kepp working hard.
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