Why Cats Need 9 Lives....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I've Been Thinkin'

LOL, yes I do that occasionally. Here's the deal. I read Maria's last few blog entries and she is feeling better health-wise but really down about her goals not getting met. She's about the most dedicated person I've *met* in a long time, and she tries so hard, yet she is not losing weight the way she wants to.

Truth is, and it's a nasty truth too, Maria only has a few pounds to lose, so maybe she's not meant to lose them. She is, I suspect, sculpting one incredible and healthy body, and that involves muscle. We all know that muscle weighs more than fat, so maybe that explains why the scale is not moving south.

Maria's hubby asked her if she was more concerned with weight loss or building health, and I really think he has tapped into it. In other words, given the choice between weight loss or health gain, health gain is the wiser choice. Every time. Being overweight does not mean being unhealthy. Being a "perfect" weight according to some insurance charts doesn't guarantee health, right? Except for the last 5 years of my life, I was extremely healthy and weighed 30-40 pounds more than those charts said I *should*. And nobody ever could tell. I used to really get people to drop their jaws by confessing that. I truly am "big-boned", plus my bones are super-dense...and heavy. And, I also had extra fat, which I could only lose by becoming borderline anorexic (which I did flirt with in my 20's and thank goodness that relationship didn't stick).

Anyway, Maria's quandry got me to thinking about me. I'm getting real tired of chasing the weight loss dog. Maybe I'm retarded or something, but unless I devote way too much time and energy on the food I eat, I don't achieve scale success either. But I can eat healthily and exercise beneficially without a whole lot of thought or time. I guess I need to move on for a while from chasing the scale. I need to do other things in my life, like what's on my ToDo List. I do have a special problem in that due to my pain-killer taking during the first 3 years of my arthritis affliction, my brain turned a bit to mush and my memory was definitely affected. So, I have special challenges just trying to get things done on a daily basis. (Which is why I chose the word "focus" for my Ali Edwards Word of the Year.)

So, my quandry is, do I want to spent most of my daily focus on weight loss, or do I want to be happy with healthy eating and exercise AND get stuff done? Yeah. I choose the latter. Not a hard choice. I've lost 35 pounds more or less, and still have 35 more to lose to be able to no longer chase the scale. And I'll still have that 30-40 extra pounds on me, but I'll happily seek permanent custody when/if the day comes that's all the extra weight I have.

So, anyway, that's where I'm at. Aimes' Best Life is gonna be more exercise-oriented from now on, and more healthy eating. And not OMG, I lost 2 pounds, or OMG I gained them back. Cuz that's just crazy, ya know? Let's watch the yo-yo in slo-mo. I mean, yeah, for real, as my DD would say.

Maria, you have absolutely no reason to feel ashamed about anything. You have a hubby who is telling you he loves you just the way you are, and he sees you living a healthy life. They say the Scales of Justice are blind, and I'm thinkin' that our weight scales are too, cuz they do not measure what is really important. Yeah. Word.


Tracy.H said...

I totally agree!!! I think too often we pay too much attention to those numbers on the scale and don't look at how we feel. Sometimes just eating as healthy as we can and getting regular excersise is all we really need. What's the point to spending every waking hour thinking about what we eat and what we are doing excersise wise. Yes, we need to be aware of what we are putting in our mouths and making sure we get regular excersise, but thinking about it too much is not good either...just my thoughts! :0)

grandmascraps said...

Well said Aimeslee. Having been in this weight chasing game for a long time. I have had my share of battles with myself over the scale movement up and down. I am choosing now to think more about eating better more exercise. As you get older the exercise becomes even more important. I am not ready to slow down because of age. My body doesn't recover as quick as it once did, but moving is what it is all about. Let's all keep moving!!!! BTW Aime I have tagged you on my stamping blog check it out: http://grandmascraps.blogspot.com